
Our inclusive curriculum embraces the Australian Curriculum, the Early Years Framework, ABLEWA, TEACCH and digital technologies.

We work in partnership with Visiting Teachers from the Schools of Special Educational Needs: Behaviour and Engagement, Disability, Sensory, Medical and Mental Health.

Intensive early intervention programs are available for students in the early years of schooling.

Early Intervention

Our early intervention program targets students from Kindergarten to Year 2. This includes Forms 1 and 2. The early intervention team meet regularly to review best practice at Sir David Brand School.

Emotional Regulation

The school focuses on teaching Emotional Regulation skills as a whole school priority that integrates the principles of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and Team Teach across our curriculum.

Protective Education

Sir David Brand prioritises Protective Education as a key area for teaching and supporting our students to have vital life skills. Emphasis is placed upon integrating protective behaviour strategies across the curriculum. We engage with parents to assist with consistent messages between home and school.

School Chaplain

Sir David Brand School has the services of a school chaplain. This service is funded through the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

The role of the chaplain at SDBS is to provide pastoral care services through:

-being a support and listening ear for the whole school community

-building relationships with students, families and staff

-helping access support services

-building on strengths and positive coping strategies

-promoting positive wellbeing

-promoting connection with services and supports.

Involvement with the school chaplain is entirely voluntary.

If you feel you need a listening ear or and struggling with something- Please feel like you can come and chat with me.

Information and Technology

We are constantly investigating new and interesting ways to assist our students in their learning. We utilise technology within our teaching strategies as a tool to enable students to access the curriculum, complete academic tasks, engage in cause-effect and support communication. Each classroom has an Interactive Whiteboard and access to iPads to enable direct interaction with Information and Communication Technologies. Our students use a variety of Voice Output Communication Devices that assist students to communicate with others.


Communication is at the centre of everything we do at Sir David Brand School.  Our students use a range of low technology visual aids and high technology communication devices to communicate. Emphasis is placed on relationship-based strategies, especially Intensive Interaction as an approach to support the students to engage in interactions.

In 2023 the Roadmap of Communicative Competence (ROCC) Tool is being rolled out by our Speech Pathologist, Lauren Redman. In collaboration with Teachers, assessment is being completed for all students to identify Communication goals and strategies at the individual student, whole class and whole school levels. This is aligned with the school priority to focus on high quality interactions to support students on the pathway to become autonomous communicators. 

Our School-based Speech Pathologist also runs Chit Chat groups bringing students together in small groups to use their Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices to interact. Chit Chat focuses on social and conversational skills to support students to develop and maintain friendships. 

Secondary pathways

Teachers meet with the student and family to develop transition plans for life after school. The planning for life after school can start a few years before the final year of school to begin thinking about the most suitable post school options for our students. The final year of school may include half or full transition days at post school options to support our students become familiar with the new places and people they may see in the future years.

Take a look at the websites below for some more useful information and answers to frequently asked questions:

Leaving school | NDIS

School Leavers | Disability Services Provider Perth | Ability WA


Our Arts programme is aimed at providing students with a form of expression, stimulation, enjoyment and pride in accomplishment.   Art projects are sensory-based in order to encourage student engagement and exploration. For example, when working with paint, the students are invited to choose from a selection of fragrant oils to add.  This gives the paint an appealing aroma, in addition to its visual and tactile qualities.  

Students participate in all aspects of the creative process. This includes selecting media and implements, choosing colours and compositions, and assisting with clean up.  Fine-motor skills are developed and refined as the students explore and manipulate different media and tools. The group setting promotes social skills such as waiting, sharing and requesting appropriately.


SDBS has a range of clubs that provide fun learning opportunities within a social group setting.

Our Stretch Club incorporates physiotherapy into daily routines.

We also have very popular Girls’ Club and Boys’ Clubs focused on building friendships and life skills.

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